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5-Scallop Roto Thread In Gunte Jet Internals Gray

Waterway Plastics
Price: $14.68
In Stock
Waterway Plastics Item Number: 229-8017
Diameter: 3-3/8"
Questions and Answers:
Question:I want to order some replacement jets and jet bodies for my hot tub. I had already placed an order for some jets but when I received them they were smaller across the face than the ones I had before. In previous emails this is the jet the spa techs recommended to replace what I had. Could you provide me with all the dimensions for this jet and the corresponding jet body. #WW2298017B & WW2280400B Thank you. Doug - Douglas (07/03/2018)
Response:This jet has a 3-3/8" face diameter / you were recommended the 228-0400 jet body which has these specs ¾" RB x 3/8" RB